
I will abolish condoms if I am elected president -Osofo Kyiri Abosom

Popular Ghanaian priest and politician Osofo Kyiri Abosom, formerly known as Christian Kwabena Andrews, has hinted that, if elected President of Ghana, he will restrict the use of condoms.

 The priest who ran for president in 2020 on the Ghana Union Movement (GUM) ticket disclosed that he will also outlaw the importation of condoms.

According to Osofo Kyiri Abosom, condom use promotes immorality, and he himself has never used one.

The priest-turned-politician added that the monies utilized for condom imports may be redirected to other areas.

The founder and head of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM) is Osofo Kyiri Abosom, who refers to himself as the next Kwame Nkrumah.

If elected president, I will outlaw condoms -Osofo Kyiri Abosom

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