
A gang led by a woman robs a gas station, shoots three people, and runs off with over GHC28k from a MoMo seller in Somanya.

Another armed robbery incident has occurred in Somanya in the Eastern Region, making it the second occurrence in just 12 days. 

During the evening of Monday, October 23, 2023, between 6:30 and 7:00 pm, a group of individuals, including a female, carried out a bold robbery at the Gaso Filling station and a mobile money vendor located in Ogome, a suburb of Somanya. 

It is worth mentioning that a similar incident occurred on October 11, 2023. During this event, a group of eight individuals, including one female, targeted the SP Gas filling station, which is situated less than 200 meters from the Goaso filling station. 

It is believed that the four individuals involved in the recent incident may be connected to the robbery at the SP Gas station that occurred two weeks ago. With pump-action guns in hand, the criminals, including a female member, carried out a robbery at a fuel station, taking an undisclosed sum of money. 

In addition, a mobile money operator in the vicinity was targeted by the robbers, resulting in a reported loss of over GHC 28,000. 

During the robbery, unfortunately, an employee of the filling station and two other witnesses were shot. 

Two individuals are currently receiving treatment at the Yilo Krobo Municipal Hospital, while another person has been treated and discharged from the Somanya Polyclinic. 

The criminals escaped into the nearby bushes after committing their unlawful act, just before the Somanya Police arrived. 

Despite their best efforts, the authorities were unable to apprehend the criminals. 

Following the previous incident, the police have kindly requested major businesses to consider closing their shops and offices by 8 pm as a precautionary measure to avoid any potential recurrence.

 Unfortunately, there are numerous businesses that are not following this directive. 

An investigation has been initiated by the police into the recent armed robbery, as they are actively addressing the concerning trend of criminal activities in the area. 


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